


application software

AERtools is a collection of spreadsheet and application programs created for air quality professionals for the calculation of source parameters and ground level concentrations.  The tools were created based upon state-of-the-art engineering considerations of thermodynamics, energy balance, mass balance and practical application of these principles for use with current air dispersion models and methods.



AERflare-incin is the current evolution of ERCBflare and ERCBincin tools.  This tool functions as a stand-alone MS Excel spreadsheet server and database.  The tool accepts user inputs and generates air dispersion modelling source inputs for the U.S. EPA AERMOD dispersion model and steady state source parameters for the CALPUFF air dispersion model.   AERflare-incin can be used to create AERMOD ready input files or can be used as a server to run AERMOD in screening or refined modes and interpret the predictions for Alberta regulatory ambient air quality compliance and well test flaring/incineration applications.  The goal in developing AERflare-incin was to ensure a consistent content, required contents and quality of air quality modelling, reports and applications to AER (Alberta Energy Regulator)  and AEP (Alberta Environment and Parks).


ABflare was developed as a sister tool to AERflare-incin.  Whereas AERflare-incin was developed for screening and refined air dispersion modelling for AERMOD, ABflare was developed for refined dispersion modelling for time-varying source parameters of flare sources for the CALPUFF model.  As a part of the ABflare model development, the CALPUFF model was extended to extend the source types from point, line, volume and area sources to include a flare source.  The flare source in CALPUFF is a time-varying (arbitrary input) file allowing the time variation of height, diameter, velocity, temperature and location of the (effective) point source.  The ABflare tool is used to create the time-varying input file as well as act as a server to assist the creation of CALPUFF input files and assessment of output from this type air quality analysis.  The ABflare tool can be used to create CALPUFF and AERMOD input files.


AERflare-incin vx.xx

This version of AERflare contains the latest features and bug repairs.  Some of the features may still contain bugs and we appreciate hearing about all suspected bugs, odd behaviour or suggested improvements and features.


AERflare-incin Documentation

To be updated


ABflare vx.xx

To be updated


ABflare Documentation

To be updated


AERtools Support Forum & Discussions

Please check out the AERtools support forum and discussions page. Much can be learned by sharing your concerns or solutions.


click here for AERtools Forum


click here to eMail ZPSi about a bug

ZELT Professional Services Inc.